Word Biblical Journal Submission Guidelines

Word Biblical Journal welcomes essays and book reviews in biblical studies.

All communications should be addressed to the Editor at wordbiblical@gmail.com or at GGCF, Room 303, Manros Plaza, #66 General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City 6000, Philippines. Writers should follow the Submission Guidelines. The Editor reserves the right to accept or reject articles and to publish or reject the same based on reviews.

To Subscribe, Change The Email Address or Messenger Name or Unsubscribe

send a message through Messenger or email to the Editor at: wordbiblical@gmail.com.


1. The authors should supply the following contact details (church, organization, E-mail or
Messenger name).
2. Articles should be submitted as an email or Messenger attachment in Word file.

3. An article may range from thirty to fifty double-spaced pages with footnotes, using 12
point Times New Roman fonts; and book reviews, between four to six double-spaced
pages with no footnotes.
4. The article should include the basic partsAbstract (75 to 150 words placed below the
title), Keywords, Introduction, body, and Conclusion. The Conclusion should suggest an
application, answering the question, “What do I want the reader to gain from my article?”
5. Writers should use the third person pronouns (he, she, it, they) entirely and consistently.
6. Do no use first person (I, we, us) and second person pronouns (You). Do not use
instruction implying the second person (e. g. “Notice that . . .”)
7. Both Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic alphabets and their English translation should be
supplied and not the former or the latter alone.
8. Do not divide a Hebrew phrase, clause, or sentence between lines. It should be written
from right to left in one straight line.
9. Use abbreviations for Bible verses. For a succeeding Bible verse, it may be abbreviated in
Arabic chapter and verse numerals without the abbreviated Bible book that is mentioned
immediately before the succeeding Bible verse.
10. Do not use abbreviations for Bible books at the beginning of the sentence. Do not use
abbreviations for book titles, page numbers, etc. except in parenthesis.
11. Do not underline a heading. First headings should be centered, boldface, and each word
capitalized. Second headings should be flushed left, boldface, and the first letter of each
word capitalized. Third headings should be indented, italicized, and followed by a period
and the first sentence of the paragraph.
12. Do not underline words for emphasis; instead, use only italics, but sparingly.
13. Do not use present tense verbs when describing past events (e. g. “Paul writes”).

14. Unless otherwise indicated in the WBJ Submission Guidelines, all submissions should
follow the form of Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses,

and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, 9th edition.